Are your coil springs ready for winter?


As was the motto of House Stark, Winter is Coming! We know what’s coming with it. We can learn to live with the damage it wreaks upon our trucks, or we can choose to take a stand!


Okay, so that might be a little dramatic, but the reality is, coil springs are one of the most dramatically, intensely stressed components on any truck. Just the positioning alone, under the vehicle, means they have to perform in a very harsh environment. Particles of stone, grit and other debris get thrown up from the road surface, striking uncovered coil-springs with enough pressure that the protective coating can suffer damage, exposing the bare steel to the moisture and salt that combine to cause rust and start wearing the steel down.


Every time your truck rolls over a bump, those weakened areas begin to form small fractures, which are exasperated by the cold temperatures, making the steel more brittle and likely to suffer even larger cracks, and overall speeding up the corrosion process.


Checking your Coil Springs:

When inspecting or servicing your truck for any reason, particular interest should always be paid to the coil springs. Closely investigate the state and surroundings of the coil-springs, paying special attention to the area where it meets the lower spring pan. Additionally, ensure that springs used on the same axle are of identical design. Some springs use a form of cable known as taper – where the cable at the spring end has a smaller diameter than the main length of the spring. We would strongly recommend replacing it with an equivalent spring type, to retain the stability of the truck.


Remove any road particles:

Visually verify the condition of the coil in the spring pan, using a bright suitable lamp. However, you should not attempt to search for weak points or cracks by physically touching the spring with your hands, as the forces between the spring pan and the coil are extremely high. You should eliminate any road particles you find in the pan, this can extend the overall life of the spring and help avoid an untimely failure. If your springs display any of the warning signs of corrosion, they need to get replaced as soon as possible, as they could fail at any time, and it is most likely to happen when you are driving in harsh conditions and putting them under stress.


If you feel your springs are not up to the test of harsh winter driving, consider replacing them as part of your overall plan to keep your truck running safely and reliably this winter.


Click here to find a full range of coil springs available at Standen’s EZOrder.

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